It's only 6 in the evening here and I'm struggling to keep my eyelids up and I'm tempted to clip them back with hairpins just to stay up and not look like a complete lame-ass. Thus far, my vision of Sao Paulo has consisted of rushed views of streets from within a car with tinted windows, reminiscent of the scenes seen from the point of view of Astrid in the film White Oleander. Meaning, I really haven't seen that much...
I am however, very familiar with my hotel surroundings. Can you tell I'm super excited about hotel wi-fi?
Basically this morning I was lagging and moping around the hotel probably trying to figure out why my in-room ethernet wasn't working and a pick me up was sorely needed.
I did know a photo shoot was involved but I hadn't a clue it would actually be used in print, and certainly not in an issue of VOGUE BRAZIL....apparently, it's a six page feature in the next issue. I think I've tracked every photoshoot I've done for the purpose of the blog here and let's just say the results tend to be mixed. However, I couldn't be arsed with apprehension today seeing as complete fatigue had taken over and I just nodded and said 'Yup, yup yup...'
Though by the end of it, I was suitably perked up purely because it did turn out to be a laugh, posing with another blogger, Melissa DeLeon of Cooking Diva (check her out...two time Bloggie-winner...). Plus, I basically got to style myself with a minimal amount of fuss with some FANTASTIC Cavalera supersized harem metallic green and black trousers and some STOMPIN' Pulo do Gato ankle boots.
Actually, it sounds really trite but by the end of it, dealing with new bits of frippery and looking at Brazillian labels perked me right up... urgh... I'm so predictable...
P.S. The ppl here didn't really appreaciate my 15 second video intro and now they have to film a rather cheesy face to face version...grrr.... thought I had gotten away with it...
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