Thursday, July 3, 2008

Blogback Mountain

Dlisted has the greatest description of Pete Wentz, ever: "I didn't know Gymboree carried hoodies in size douche."

My answer to A Cup of Jo's query about haircolor: Blondes totally have more fun, except when everyone thinks you're a dumbass.

If you are a teacher who's feeling stifled by a dress code and/or resorted to wearing floor-length linen dresses embroidered with colorful fish, you need to read this post, stat.

Never have I been more proud of my city.

The second coming of J. Sus, as indicated by the crazy antics of J. Crew.

I've been worrying about the disappearance of Style Bytes for awhile now (when I say "worrying" I mean "googling 'WHERE IS AGATHE??' twice a day for a month), but I assumed everyone else knew what was going on and just forgot to tell me. Turns out, a lot of people are worried/curious, from Fashion Hayley to Style Bubble to Jennine from the Coveted, who could easily secure a forensic investigator job if this fashion blogging thing doesn't work out.

Cake in my mouth--good. Cake on my wall--good. And calorie free.

Square Old Soul has a round up of supremely chic white t-shirt and jeans combinations--she also wants you to send in yours!

Just discovered this blog. Love it.

And finally, when a lardy chav buying several sausage rolls declares you an eyesore, that's when you know you've made it. Congrats, Queeny!

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