Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Day 1 of W.E.I.O.

09.11.2007 (day 1 of W.E.I.O.)

If it weren't for the fact that I really like this outfit and I'm jonesing to get going on the W.E.I.O. challenge, I wouldn't have even bothered to upload this pic. I waited too long to take it and had to do so indoors, hence the bad lighting.

vintage button-up: thrifted
sweater vest: thrifted
skinny jeans: Target
slip-on argyle sneakers: Payless
vinyl bag: thrifted

I bought the sweater vest (or as Dean calls it, my "swest") a few months ago, but until yesterday it was too hot to wear it. It actually ended up being a tad too toasty indoors for the "swest," but I toughed it out. The weather is supposed to be cooling off quite soon, I couldn't be more thrilled. My fall wardrobe has been itching to come out of hiding. :]

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