Monday, May 19, 2008

Spring is awesome!

We had such great weather this week, it was hard to get any vintage work done. I spent one morning cleaning out the screen-in porch. Took everything out, swept, bleached the floor then we stained and sealed the wood floor (it had never been done before) Now the floor looks nice and dark and shiny and it should be easier to keep clean. This is where I usually eat if it isn't too hot, during the Summer. I like to set out there at sunset too, just looking into the woods, watching the little birds, squirrels and bunnies.
The hummingbirds returned this week, yeah! I'm so glad to see them back. I've seen two boys, Ruby Throated. I have 3 feeders out so far. I also saw the first Skink, he was trapped in a bucket by the hose spicket. I set the bucket on it's side near some bushes so that he could slink out when he was ready.

Then a mini vegetable garden was started. I cleared out a seciton of the garden, just below the screened-in porch. My dad put a little fence around it to keep the bunnies out. Yes, that is a rhododendron in the vegetable garden. We just planted around it. We have tomatoes, cucumbers, green peppers and eggplants. We planted the same stuff down the shore that same day, in an even smaller space. Vegetables remind me of my grandpop, who was a farmer, he planted a garden every year.

Bandito! We have a raccoon coming to visit us regularly again. We haven't seen one in about a year, at least not in the daylight hours. This is a super fuzzy photo, because I was zooming with the camera, and it wasn't very bright outside. Bandito sits there and just shovels little pawfuls of corn in it's mouth. I don't know why I call him/her Bandito. When I see it out there, I just think 'Bandito'

In non-Spring news, these two little gals moved in last week. I bought them to fix up their hair and make them some pretty dresses. They are Nancy Ann Storybook Dolls from the 1940s.

Bye for now, Carol

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