Regular readers of the blog will instantly recognize tu-anh's name as the woman behind the scenes of the Fashion of Goodwill. She also ocassionally writes a blog on living a polished lifestyle. Perhaps you've seen our video on YouTube, no? Regardless, tu-anh and the DC Goodwill Fashionista are BFFs (that's Best Fashion Friends, natch) and she's put together an amazing spring look book, which will premiere on the Fashion of Goodwill website later this month. I can't wait!
I can only give you three hints to the fabulousness that will be the look book: vintage, beach, blues. That's it! My lips are sealed. In the meantime, I'll tide you over with her short and sweet responses to the DCGF's soon-to-be-famous five (plus one) questions. Forthwith, tu-anh's responses...

2. Where is your favorite place to shop for a fashion bargain in the DC area? Flea markets, (Clarendon, Eastern Market) Forever 21, Benetton Outlet, Goodwill, Salvation Army...
3. Where is your favorite place to shop for a fashion bargain outside of DC? New York City flea markets of course! Sundays are the best days to find bargains…
4. Who is your current favorite designer? Don’t really have one, but always have been a fan of the work of John Galliano for Christian Dior and Vivienne Westwood [Those are some of Westwood's more, uh, understated pieces in the picture below. You know, something simple for Saturday brunch. -the DCGF]. Micheal Kors' designs are very nice and clean, too.

Bonus Question: How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop? No idea…do you know ? :)
Hey, tu-anh, I ask the questions around there. Kidding! Hang tight, dear readers, and check back next week when I announce the premiere of our spring look book. It's going to be fantastic! Oh, and you can still enjoy last year's pics and video, too, by visiting the site. Have a fashionable weekend...
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