Monday, April 14, 2008

Gwyneth Paltrow looking sickly unfab

I don't always enjoy cattiness toward the undeserving, unlike the cattiness that was pleaded for in my last post. But Gwenyth's ensemble here is so heinous of the subtle *But-I'm-wearing-all-designer* disgusting way that I find it amusing as one of the first posts to bring me to start upon the new life of Kiss Me, Stace. It's no new thing to rag on celeb unfab, and I haven't changed my mind about its propriety, yet I now want to write freely for a while to discover every little aspect of what Kiss Me, Stace will evolve into!

Besides, just look!

Let's start at the very tippy-toe bottom (and right above this text). Those shoes. They say “Givenchy gladiator pumps”, I say “orthopedics meet torture.” She looks like she has ankle braces atop strappy sandals. (Warning: this could happen to YOU, stiletto freaks.)

Then the dress, some think it's a fine frock, a vintage YSL. (I usually love them, but WHAT? Was this before their aesthetic actualization?) I see it as an oversized housecoat, or better yet, a fanschay yet still oversized medical gown — to fit a theme. Please tell me Gwynny is nursing a new oddly-named baby rght now, ‘cos you know I don't follow celebrity gossip too much to know myself.

Then there are those long, poofy sleeves, and some unfortunate effects coming from poor posture, an uneven hem and a hanging beltamajig. This vintage dress seems to be more *all I could find in a consignment shop* than a gift from the designer themselves. Sad. sad.

Someone get Ms. Paltrow a dose of style-sanity, STAT!

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